Neuroplasticity & Growth Mindset

12 Sep 2023

Te Whare Tapu Wha Wellbeing Plan

Te Whare Tapu Wha is a Maori wellbeing model created in 1984. It provides a unique perspective on health using four pillars or walls that hold up the whare of wellbeing. These pillars are:

Taha Tinana (Physical Wellbeing)

Aside from the obvious benefits of maintaining good physical health, I find that when I exercise, I sleep better and feel happier during the day. So far, I have made sure to maintain good physical health by exercising at the gym each day in the afternoon. This acts as a good way to take a break from my studies and stay fit. I also often go for walks in the evening before bed.

Taha Hinengaro (Emotional and Mental Wellbeing)

Concerning my emotional and mental wellbeing, I find that I often feel happier when my other pillars of wellbeing, especially Taha Whānau (friends & family wellbeing), are upheld. I'm a very extroverted person and find that interacting with people I am similar to positively affects my mental health.

Taha Wairua (Spiritual Wellbeing)

I'm generally not a very spiritual person. In fact, a personality test I took in Sprint 1 (or 2?) identified my biggest weakness as spirituality. I'm non-religious, but I do have a strong interest in understanding what you could call 'spiritual questions' (e.g., the meaning of life, consciousness, etc.). I guess this interest could fall into Taha Wairua, but I don't see it as an important aspect of my wellbeing.

Taha Whānau (Family Wellbeing)

Taha Whānau is one of the pillars I am more focused on when it comes to my wellbeing. Since Dev Academy is online, there aren't as many aspects of my life at the moment where my social battery gets fulfillment! Currently, I try to make plans with friends over the weekends and often host get-togethers with them. I don't see much changing during my time in foundations, but I look forward to the in-person boot camp where I can make more connections with people.